“FEVER PITCH (Heavy Influence #1.5 A Novella) ~ I read this short book with fevered intensity. I really enjoyed this book and am so glad to see that Jake and Aly remained in touch throughout their 3 year separation. I am glad that this book jumped to Aly's senior year. I really don't think I could have read thru 3 years worth of them being separated from each other”
“FIRST KISS (Heavy Influence #1) ~ When I first started reading this story my only concern was the age of the characters. I tend to prefer older characters I can relate to and at the ripe old age of 28 I hardly can relate to high school students. I wanted so badly to love First Kiss but the age thing kept holding me slightly back from full on falling in love with it. By the end of the book I was head over heels for the romance and I felt this new age Romeo and Juliet connection to the story. Aly is the younger girl who knows she is in love and Jake is the older boy who is utterly drawn to Aly's innocence. The tale becomes them against the world and I loved it.”

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“JUST JAKE” - A Heavy Influence series short. Based on the Heavy Influence book series by Ann Marie Frohoff.
"FIRST KISS” - A Novel By Ann Marie Frohoff. The prequel novella, Heavy Influence: SKID OUT, is available now.